Media & Interviews
January 4, 2023
KTUU Alaska Daily News
By Beth Verge
Cultures in the town of Petersburg, also known as Séet Ká Kwáan, coalesce in shared history
Indigenous tribes’ oral histories are being supported by new empirical evidence, including archaeological sites spread across the region
“There’s so much ancient history,” said Janine Gibbons, a Petersburg resident of Haida and Finnish descent, who is also an artist and historian. “The actual Petersburg area, where people know, is a pretty peaceful area; there weren’t any wars fought there. But it is a place where people have been hunting and fishing for thousands and thousands of years."
July 2023
Contributed by Colette Poitras (Métis Nation of Alberta)
Chair, From Sea to Sea to Sea: Celebrating Indigenous Picture Books
Living Your Culture
The Illustrations of Janine Gibbons [Haida], the of Sk’ad’a Stories Series—Jigging for Halibut with Tsinii
As you read the books in From Sea to Sea to Sea: Celebrating Indigenous Picture Books, something that might strike you is how the books welcome readers into a world view with such warmth and openness—and the generosity of the creators in doing so. This was exemplified in our conversation with Janine Gibbons [Haida], illustrator of Jigging for Halibut with Tsinii, which is featured in the catalogue..

July 7, 2020
Joe Viechnicki
Local leaders unveiled a new mural July 4th in Petersburg, honoring Native civil rights leader Elizabeth Peratrovich.
Speakers also called for more unity in Petersburg and for more symbols of Native culture and place names here. Several speakers also mentioned Amy Hallingstad, originally from Haines. She moved to Kake and then Petersburg and was also noted for her work in seeking civil rights in the middle of last century.
Janine Gibbons painted the mural and told of some of the history she uncovered during her research for the work.
“Native women played an important role in uplifting their families,” Gibbons said. “Early on each summer Tlingit women paddled from Kake to work in Petersburg’s canneries but they did not receive equal pay. Elizabeth Peratrovich, Amy Hallingstad and a Norwegian, Dorothy Hofstad worked to bring the AFL-CIO union to Petersburg and with it better pay for Native women.”

Sealaska Heritage Institute
Virtual Artist in Residency
Gumboot Harvest with Janine Gibbons
Harvest gumboots with Haida artist Janine Gibbons! Gibbons made this video as part of SHI's Virtual Artist in Residence program.
Visit Hydaburg with Janine Gibbons
Come along with Haida artist Janine Gibbons as she visits Hydaburg. Gibbons made this video as part of SHI's Virtual Artist in Residence program.
First Friday with Haida Artist Janine Gibbons
Watch SHI's Jay Zeller interview Haida artist Janine Gibbons for Virtual First Friday May 2021! This video was made as part of SHI's Virtual Artist in Residence program
Elizabeth Peratrovich Mural by Haida Artist Janine Gibbons
Watch the process of how Haida artist Janine Gibbons painted the Elizabeth Peratrovich mural in Petersburg, Alaska. Gibbons made this video as part of SHI's Virtual Artist in Residence program.
Raven Makes The Aleutians with Book Artist Janine Gibbons
Watch the making of the children's book Raven Makes the Aleutians! The book was illustrated by Haida artist Janine Gibbons as part of SHI's Baby Raven Reads program, and this video was made as part of SHI's Virtual Artist in Residence program.
Visiting Haida Gwaii with Janine Gibbons
Visit Haida Gwaii with Janine Gibbons! Gibbons made this video as part of SHI's Virtual Artist in Residence program.
LeConte Glacier in Thunder Bay, Alaska with Janine Gibbons
Come with Haida artist Janine Gibbons to visit the LeConte Glacier near Petersburg, Alaska. Gibbons made this video as part of SHI's Virtual Artist in Residence program.
Elizabeth Peratrovich Day 2020 in Petersburg, Alaska
Petersburg celebrates Elizabeth Peratrovich Day in February 2020. Haida artist Janine Gibbons compiled her video and photos from the day to make this video as part of SHI's Virtual Artist in Residence program.

April 1, 2018
Where Women Create Magazine
Curated by Sandra Evertson
Janine Gibbons
Creative Rituals
"I am a divorced mother with two amazing young children, Lili and Reid. Like the octopus, women must be malleable. We must balance our hearts, minds and bodies and simultaneously accomplish multiple tasks in short order. I believe that how we feel becomes a part of the art we create. My best ideas come early in the morning. My Grandmother told me, “Don’t sleep your life away,” and I listened. I wake up at 4 a.m., make myself a cup of tea and start painting. Around 5 a.m., I do my yoga and meditation followed by a long walk. I feel the most open to creativity, new thoughts and ideas when I keep a healthy, clear mind..."

Janine Gibbons
Janine Gibbons identifies as an artist of the Inside Passage of the Northwest Coast of North America. Her jewelry designs and artwork are a natural extension of what she sees and experiences in
her environment, as well as her abiding love and respect for the beauty and complexities of nature.
As a resident of Petersburg, Alaska, a small fishing village nestled between glaciers and mountains on the northern tip of Mitkof Island, Gibbons is able to draw inspiration from the simplest of activities. Perhaps a walk along the beach fringed with sand and shimmering dark blue mussels. The sound of seaweed popping between her feet. Or the graceful movement of eagles soaring above her head as raucous ravens and curious seals flit to and fro in the strata below.
Like her ancestors, the Haida people, she feels fortunate to “live where her feet are.” Influenced by a formal education that ranged from philosophy to biology, the entirety of her life has been spent creating art. She has illustrated two children’s books, “The Woman Carried Away by Killer Whales,” and “The Woman Who Married the Bear,” both of which help promote and preserve the oral traditions and stories of the indigenous tribes of Southeastern Alaska, including the Haida, Tlingit and Tsimshian...
September 1, 2018
Where Women Create: WORK
Curated by Sandra Evertson

A radio program & podcast that seeks to bring awareness of the diverse experiences and contributions by members of our indigenous community to the wider Petersburg, Alaska community.
Diane Benson
Jeanette Ness
Debra O’Gara
Nicole Hallingstad
Janine Gibbons
Avery Herrman-Sakamoto
Sarah C. Hanson Hofstetter
Hannah Flor
Kari Petersen
Cindi Lagoudakis
The Petersburg Indigenous Voices Project is a partnership between three organizations in Petersburg Alaska:
This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation's libraries and museums. We advance, support, and empower America’s museums, libraries, and related organizations through grantmaking, research, and policy development. Our vision is a nation where museums and libraries work together to transform the lives of individuals and communities.
July 8, 2022
Katherine Monahan interviews Debra O’Gara about her woven work on exhibition at the Clausen Museum in Petersburg for the annual Pride Show. Then Janine Gibbons interviews Evelyn Vanderhoop, renowned Haida weaver, about finding her way to weaving, and the ways that it enriches her life.

AUGUST 18, 2022
Chef Rob Kinneen talks with Janine Gibbons and Kari Petersen about the highlights of his career and his particular interest in sourcing locally and seasonally. He seeks to cook within the limitations of village life, place and lifestyle in mind. Rob is currently the Outreach Director for North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems (NĀTIFS) a non-profit that is dedicated to addressing economic and health crises that affect Native communities by re-establishing native foodways.